
Sponsor Focus: DigiHaul

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We speak with National Lorry Week sponsors, DigiHaul, about the future of the road transport industry and why they’re getting involved in this year’s campaign.

Could you tell us a bit more about DigiHaul?

DigiHaul is a technology business which matches customer’s road freight volume with appropriate carriers in a digitised way. Our complete freight solution connects commercial shippers with the UK’s largest carrier base, making haulage fast, flexible and reliable.

Why are you getting involved in this year’s National Lorry Week?

A collective and coordinated approach to raising awareness of the importance of the sector is crucial for overcoming many of the challenges we’re currently facing. The RHA, and National Lorry Week particularly, are well placed to bring the industry together and create that collaborative voice that is much needed to get our messages out there and heard.

What excites you about the future of the industry?

The industry is about to go through some tremendous changes. The future of road transport will depend on greater use of technology, data led solutions and innovation. It is a very exciting time to become part of the sector, where a real positive difference can be made by challenging and changing the way in which we move goods by road. What’s not exciting about that?

Our industry has a big role to play in protecting the environment for future generations. The advances being made in electric vehicles, biofuels and technology are amazing.

Road transport offers huge amounts of opportunities, from driving, warehouse roles, operational roles through to sales, marketing, finance, customer services and more. There’s pretty much a role to suit everyone.

To find out ore about DigiHaul, visit: www.digihaul.com